midnight aquarelles
The Fragility of Falling Asleep
It is that moment when, with closed eyelids, you leave wakefulness behind and the dream realm opens up to you. You breathe...
Night Bar
Flowering branches on a rock escarpment attract nocturnal insects with their lavender-sweet scent. Watercolors and black indian ink on 100% cotton, 240×320 mm,...
My Dear Demon
A number of people understand the traditional masks of various tribes with their tongues sticking out as a fear and respect-inducing way...
Dragon Tears
“Dragon Tears” – version with inner light The dragon watches over the dark corners when you go to pee at night. It...
Midnight Feeding
Watercoulors and black indian ink on natural white, unbleached cardboard (230 g/m2), 210×297 mm, 2022. Available in online gallery DIVUTVOR: https://www.divutvor.cz/nocni-krmeni
At the Burrow
Time picks up pace, so many changes occur in a single day that we hardly recognize our own home when we return...