Dragon Tears
“Dragon Tears” – version with inner light The dragon watches over the dark corners when you go to pee at night. It...
Midnight Feeding
Watercoulors and black indian ink on natural white, unbleached cardboard (230 g/m2), 210×297 mm, 2022. Available in online gallery DIVUTVOR: https://www.divutvor.cz/nocni-krmeni
At the Burrow
Time picks up pace, so many changes occur in a single day that we hardly recognize our own home when we return...
Growth for Degrowth
Illustrations for degrowth movement, 2022. Methods of informal education for socio-ecological transformation http://nakladatelstvi.galeriemagda.cz/odvaha-nerust/ Collective Steps Towards a Culturally Sensitive Education in the...
Illustrations for the book “Samotka” written by drama-therapist and yogi Josef Zajíček. Publishing house Magda, 2022, ISBN 978-80-906951-4-6.
Parallel realities
Let’s admit that time doesn’t exist and everything we experience happens in one present instant, NOW. We are constantly moving from one...
Sensual is not essential
“Sensual is not essential. You are being fed by source, my boy, and the source is in everything. You are everything”. Watercolors...