
The Fragility of Falling Asleep

It is that moment when, with closed eyelids, you leave wakefulness behind and the dream realm opens up to you. You breathe...

Two Cups

A2 linocut, print with acrylic paint on watercolor paper, additionally colored with watercolor.

Night Watch

A tower standing in the sea, not far from the shore, which I sail around in a cherry wood skiff, holding a...

Pocket Atlas of Devils

A cycle of watercolors dedicated to hornbills. The illustrations were used for the creation of a picture book published by the Magda...

The Story of the Temple of the Soul

Illustrations for the book of the shaman’s guide Petr Němčanský. Publishing house Magda, 2022, ISBN 978-80-906951-5-3.

Apple trees along the river

I quietly allow myself to be carried by the river’s flow, passing apple trees. The gazes of birds imprint upon me, while...

On the road

Advent journey of the inseparable trinity. Afterparty follows:


The Resurrection of all the Dead – updated illumination from the Codex Vyssegradensis (Vyšehrad Codex), an illuminated Romanesque Gospel Book from the...

Night Bar

Flowering branches on a rock escarpment attract nocturnal insects with their lavender-sweet scent. Watercolors and black indian ink on 100% cotton, 240×320 mm,...

A wasp’s nest above the Mediterranean Sea

Watercoulors on natural white, unbleached cardboard (230 g/m2), 210×210 mm, 2022.


Communication with colleagues at the home office. I’m alone and with them at the same time, we are each chattering away our...

My Dear Demon

A number of people understand the traditional masks of various tribes with their tongues sticking out as a fear and respect-inducing way...